Walkhampton Warm Welcome’ is a new community initiative offering a warm welcome, a simple free meal, and some family fun each Thursday evening between 5pm and 7.30pm during the winter at Walkhampton Memorial Hall to anyone living in the Burrator Parish area.

Supported by grants from Church Urban fund, Benefact Trust and Burrator Parish Council, the aim of the evenings is to provide a place where people can gather in the warmth, share a meal and enjoy time together with different themes each week ranging from pizza evenings, games and simple crafts.

‘Everyone knows that there is a lot going on in the world at the moment,’ commented Nick Shutt, one of the event organisers. ‘We have Ukrainian guests staying in the parish because of the war in Ukraine, we have an energy crisis which is affecting everyone, and as the nights draw in it is good to be able to offer a place where people can meet and have some fun together.’

The series of events kicks off on October 13 with a Community Harvest Supper. If you wish to attend, you can book in via the Walkhampton Warm Welcome Facebook page where full details of the programme are also available.