Tavistock boxer Cameron Underwood was entered in the National Championships and travelled to Solihull for the semi-finals, writes Tony Fennell. 

Cameron entered with few bouts under his belt but his enthusiasm and dedication justified his entry.  

On this occasion his efforts were put to the test against the much fancied and much more experienced boxer Bernie McDonagh from the Northside club in Manchester.

In the first round Cameron scored some good points, landing with both hands including a very good right cross halfway through the round. 

It was close but I gave the first round  to Cameron on work rate and accuracy. 

Early in the second round Cameron changed tactics and tried to box at distance. This was probably a mistake as McDonagh seized the initiative and scored freely, moving forward and putting Cameron on the ropes. 

The third round saw Cameron trade punches but he was getting caught with too many scoring shots. After one exchange the referee stopped the bout to award McDonagh the contest. 

McDonagh went on to win the national title. Cameron did well to get this far on a first effort.