GROUPS that comprise Callington’s U3A — University of the Third Age — are welcoming new people to join their members in learning new skills and making new friends.

The University of the Third Age is a UK-wide movement of locally-run interest groups which aim to encourage people no longer in full-time work to come together and continue their enjoyment of learning subjects of interest to them for fun, exploring ideas, activities and skills together.

Groups within each local U3A cover a wide range of different interests that members join; Callington has over 25 groups running, including art, philosophy, baking, quizzes, crime writing, needlework, pub lunches and skittles.

There is no study nor examination aspect. The groups are created to share interests, ideas and skills and to have fun, with those joining able to meet new people and make new friends. Cost is coverd by members attending.

There are now over 1,000 U3A groups in the UK that are self-run by a committee and overseen by a National Office. The committee is made up of members who serve for a maximum of three years so involvement is naturally promoted.

There is a monthly meeting on the first Monday of the month in Callington Town Hall at 10am where all are welcome for coffee, tea, biscuits and a chat. Any news is usually shared at 10.30am, followed by a talk from a guest speaker.

Anyone interested is encouraged tp come along to a couple of monthly meetings — free of charge — and see what members do before committing to joining. For more information, visit the website at: Groups meet in members’ homes or hired premises where the cost is covered by members attending.