Organisers of a soon-to-open youth centre in Callington are delighted at the response to an informal gathering of volunteers and youth workers.
Callington Youth Project is behind the opening of an ex-bank in the town centre to become a new youth centre (for two years), with the launch planned for Wednesday, April 24.
Last Saturday about 60 people turned up to meet each other, sign up to helping convert the building and to support the youth workers’ sessions.
Paul Carey, project chairman, said: “Our open-door session was very well attended, and we were able to add some new names to our growing list of volunteers and supporters. Thanks to the help we have had to date, we are on track to start our first weekly drop-in session session on Wednesday April 24, run by youth workers Jon and Carly from Connecting Youth in Plymouth.

“These will run from 4pm to 7pm and are open to all young people aged 13 to 21 years old. Before then we need help to to finish some work inside on the ground floor.”
The project’s designated safeguarding lead will be in touch with those who have offered to help in the running of the sessions each week, to support Jon and Carly. They all need to have an enhanced DBS certificate. Each check costs the project £20. Anyone who needs their DBS certificate checked must give the project permission to do so before the opening date. Details of support needed by Jon and Carly will be revealed later.