The annual West Devon Primary schools cross country races and activities morning took place on a glorious autumn day, with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures.

Okehampton Community Recreation Association (OCRA) teamed up with the staff and rangers of Castle Drogo to organise the popular annual event, much missed last year.

General manager of OCRA, Ian Blythe acted as the ‘hare’ for the boys, with well known local runner Ben Neale leading the girls round.

As it was Remembrance Day, a minute’s silence was held before the first race, which was the boys.

The first five boys to finish the tough, 1.5 mile course were – Thomas – Lamerton (gold), Joseph – St Peter’s (Silver), Sam – Whitchurch (bronze), Rufus – Whitchurch, Jack – Whitchurch.

The large schools boys teams finished in the following order – St Peter’s A (gold medals), Whitchurch (silver medals), St Andrew’s, St Peter’s B, Chagford, North Tawton, Okehampton A, Okehampton B.

The small schools boys finished in the order of – Lewtrenchard (gold medals), Exbourne (silver medals), Lamerton, Mary Tavy & Brentor, Milton Abbot

The first five girls were – Zoe – St Andrew’s (gold), Imogen – St Andrew’s (silver), Holly – Whitchurch (bronze), Suzie – Whitchurch, Miri – Mary Tavy & Brentor.

The top teams in the large schools girls category were – Whitchurch (gold), St Andrew’s (silver), Okehampton A, St Peter’s, Chagford, North Tawton, Okehampton B,

Small schools team results were – Mary Tavy & Brentor, Lewtrenchard, Exbourne, Milton Abbot.

After the races all the children had fun taking part in various activities led by OCRA coaches, including dance, fencing, dodgeball, football, basketball and multi-skills.

Thanks were expressed to Castle Drogo communities officer, Paula Clarke and her colleagues and volunteers for providing such a wonderful opportunity for the West Devon schoolchildren.

See this week’s Times for more pictures