A game which most people have not played since their schooldays is proving to be a big community hit.

The craze started after Bere Ferrers Parish Council hosted a ‘Sports For All’ exhibition in the parish hall, introducing residents to sports and fitness classes available.

Alongside the existing options, a questionnaire asked what else people would like organised. Rounders was a very popular option, so a community rounders club was formed which plays every Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm on the recreation field.

Parish councillor Virginia Gross said: “As a result, we’ve been playing rounders on the field now since the end of June, weather permitting, and have attracted all ages and genders. Although we started late in the rounders season, our club is going from strength to strength and some of us are even getting better at hitting the ball!

“We are hoping to continue throughout September, while next year we will be starting again in April. Anyone on the Bere peninsula tempted to have a go will find it is great fun and a great way to make friends. 

“Thanks to generous donations from Bere carnival committee and Cllr Isabel Saxby, we also now have a fine collection of bats and balls for all abilities.”

The sessions are open to everyone from the age of ten, with children up to 15 asked to come with a parent. More information about the game on www.roundersengland.co.uk or the group through email: [email protected]