A WELL-KNOWN computer fixer from Tavistock is preparing to ‘brave the shave’ on May 4 to remember a much-loved grandma and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Brett Kinsman-Daw, who runs ABC Computers on West Street, will be losing his floppy locks with help from the hairdresser across the road from his shop.

Tracey Carnell, from Fresh Air, will be providing her shaving services free of charge for the session which will see him turn completely bald, with the fundraiser to be streamed live on Facebook.

He has set up a fundraising page for Macmillan, with a target of £2,222.

Brett, who is 31, explained that he had chosen this target because the number 2222 has special significance in spirituality as ‘the angel’s number’ – radiating positive energy.

Brett wanted to do something to help people with cancer as many of people in his family have had cancer, in particular his grandma Bet, also known as Bettie, who died of the disease six years ago.

Brett’s grandma, who lived in Plymouth, played a big part in his young life.

‘My grandparents were very close to me. They were always there. I was an only child for the first part of my life,’ he said.

‘The reason I have chosen May 4 is because that was my grandmother’s birthday. I lost her six years ago.’

May 4 is also a significant as the date on which Brett, pictured, right got his beloved Husky, Archie, who is well-known to his customers in his shop and lives with Brett in the flat above. ‘The year I lost my grandma in the January, I ended up adopting Archie in the May and my mum said, do you realise what day it is, and it was my grandma’s birthday, May 4. She loved dogs.’

He said many others in his family as well as friends and colleagues had also been touched by cancer, some living with it at the moment. They include a friend from college, Brett’s age, who has recovered from cancer.

‘I have got two months to raise £2,000 and I think that is doable,’ said Brett. ‘I just want to do what I can.’

To donate, visit https://bravetheshave.macmillan.org.uk/shavers/brett-kinsmandaw (no hyphen in Macmillan in the web address).