An emotional Dotty King thanked the crowd of runners who braved pouring rain and strong winds to complete a charity run to support her as she receives treatment for cancer.

The 5km fun run started and finished outside Dotty’s wholefood and bake shop in Tavistock Pannier Market on Sunday (October 20) amid Storm Ashley. But nothing was going to dampen the outpouring of love and support for the popular running coach who has inspired so many to achieve their potential and regain their self-belief.

Dotty helped Lauren Blamey, 15, with running and with dealing with bullying and it was Lauren who had the idea of a run and appeal in aid of Cancer Research UK, designed to show support for her lifelong friend. Donations have reached about £2,000 with donors including a hairdressers in Bere Alston, where Dotty and Lauren’s family live, along with pannier market traders.

Traders, running friends and runners across the area and Dotty's non-running friends also joined the event. Before starting the run, with Lauren leading from the front all the way, Dotty climbed onto a table and gave a rousing speech of thanks and encouragement.

She expressed her “heartfelt gratitude” to family, friends, traders and customers for cards, flowers, presents and good wishes and said “a huge thank-you” to everyone who donated to the fundraising page, with “special hugs for Lauren and her amazing family”.

Lauren’s mum Chamaine Blamey said: “Dotty’s speech was so emotional. She thanked everyone and her husband Phil and her son George. She got very choked with emotion as did the crowd. She was overwhelmed. She said she didn't know if she would still be here, because of the diagnosis, but she's thankful she is and will fight and get better.

“Dotty lost her voice a little at this point so my husband Nathan did a countdown to start the race and Dotty clapped everyone out. She was there to greet each and every person with a hug as they came back through the finishing gates. I am just so proud of Lauren, she really has a heart of gold for organising this. Everyone was so kind and supportive of each other and the love for Dotty was so clearly felt.”

Lauren said: “It was lovely to see so many people come and support Dotty, well done to everyone that came and did it despite the bad weather.We have raised so much and it's all for a great cause as well as showing Dotty how much she means to us.

After months of waiting for referrals Dotty was diagnosed with stage one tongue cancer in August and on the day of surgery on September 28 learned the cancer had spread to a neck lymph node and needed major surgery. After five days in HDU she returned home and is getting stronger.

She urged anyone with a persistent lump, changes in poo or wee, sudden weight loss or anything different to get a doctor’s appointment or hospital referral “as nobody knows your body better than you”.

A charity run in support of Dotty King attracted about 100 runners in the pouring rain and high wind in Tavistock.
A charity run in support of Dotty King attracted about 100 runners in the pouring rain and high wind in Tavistock on Sunday (Philip King)
The charity run in aid of Cancer Research and in support of Dotty King skirts Tavistock Canal.
The charity run in aid of Cancer Research UK and in support of Dotty King skirts Tavistock Canal. (Philip King)
The charity run in aid of Cancer Research began outside Dotty's Pannier Market shop. jp
The charity run in aid of Cancer Research UK began outside Dotty's Pannier Market shop with Dotty and Lauren at the front. (Philip King)
Dotty King (third from left and her friends the Blamey family with Lauren, 15, (second from left) who organised a charity run in support of Dotty.
Dotty King (centre) and her friends the Blamey family with Lauren, 15, (second from left) who organised a charity run in support of Dotty. (Philip King)
Dotty King giving a rousing send-off and thank you speech to the Cancer Research run to support Dotty after cancer diagnosis.
Dotty King giving a rousing send-off and thank you speech to all those taking part in the Cancer Research UK run to support Dotty after her cancer diagnosis (Philip King)