Drugs with an estimated street value of £20,000 were seized in two raids in Callington on Tuesday.

During searches of two properties, officers seized a quantity of suspected Class A and B drugs with an estimated street value of £20,000. A Taser and a quantity of cash was also seized along with a number of electronic devices.

A local man in his 50s has been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of controlled drugs and possession of a prohibited weapon. He remained in police custody at the time of going to press on Tuesday. The raids were carried out as part of Operation Scorpion by local officers with reinforcements.

A Police spokesperson said: “The activity today forms part of Operation Scorpion, a proactive op across the South West targeting the use and supply of drugs. A big part of this work is the information reported to us by the public and by officers and partner agencies.

“Our communities are no place for drugs and I would urge anyone with information about suspect illegal drug activity in their community, to report it. Help us keep the South West clear of drugs.”

You can report information to us through our non-emergency channels including the online crime reporting form - Contact us | Devon and Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk)

Alternatively, you can contact the charity Crimestoppers anonymously via their website or by calling 0800 555 111 - Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)

You can find out more information on our website - Drugs | Devon and Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk