DO you know someone or a group who deserves to be recognised for their contribution to their community?

Calstock Parish Council is reminding people to nominate individuals or groups for the Citizen of the Year Award.

The parish council award recognises those that have made a positive contribution to their community. People are being urged to submit their nominations before Friday March 31.

Clare Bullimore, Deputy Parish Clerk for Calstock Parish Council is urging people to get their nominations in, saying: ‘If there is someone - or a group of people - who really make a difference to you and your community please tell us what they do and how they help you.

‘As a parish council we are amazed at the amount of unpaid work that goes on in communities - people making a village look nice and tidy; others arranging social events, and some taking isolated residents out shopping or to medical appointments.

‘It would be nice to hear from you about the people who help you so we can thank them and show them they are appreciated.’

Nominations from the public will be given to the chairman, who will then select from the nominations and make a recommendation to full council.

Suggestions need to be submitted to The Clerk at Calstock Parish Council, Tamar Valley Centre, Cemetery Road, Drakewalls, Gunnislake PL18 9FE and can be emailed to: [email protected].

A presentation will be made in May at the Annual Parish Meeting.