A JOYOUS gathering of teenagers in Tavistock drew the attention of passers-by and proud parents as they dressed in their glad rags before their end-of-year prom at Boringdon Golf Club in Plymouth, writes Guy Boswell.

Tavistock College students brought glamour and drama to Bedford Square on Friday evening as they rode horses and sat in vintage, classic and personalised cars in their best dresses and suits.

Three girls in their ball gowns sat astride three steeds and were surrounded by admiring fellow students as they all celebrated the end of their exams with a mixture of relief and anticipation of the results which could determine their futures.

The modes of transport included a beach buggy, a Ford Capri and an eye-catching colourful Nissan 350Z, shimmering metallic red Mercedes and a contrasting sedate 100-year-old Sunbeam. The horses coped well without bolting at the loud backfiring and revving of the cars which reverberated off the surrounding stone buildings.

Kenzie Coles and Verona May were off to the ball together in the Nissan. The 15-year-olds have both decided on their futures after school. Kenzie, dressed smartly in his blue suit and red tie, said: “It’s really exciting to leave school. I’m glad my exams are over. I’m off to City College in Plymouth. I want to do cheffing in the RAF. I like working in the kitchen and help my mum out where she works and work with the head chefs. I’d like to own my own restaurant in the future.”

Verona is also planning to join the RAF: “It’s going to be a great night at the proms and I’m so happy exams are over. I’ll be working at the Peter Tavy Inn during the holidays as I already have a job there. I want to be a fighter pilot and I’m in the air cadets, which I hope will get me into the RAF. If I don’t get in, then my plan B is to do an equine degree at college or join the police.”

Jay Peters, owner of the Nissan, said: “Photos of my car have made it popular on Tiktok, which meant the youngsters saw it and as I know one of the parents, they asked me if I could give them a stylish ride to the prom. I’m very happy to do and give them a ride to remember on their special day.”

As a proud auntie, Jane Hyde was delighted to act as chauffeur for the night in her rare open-top Sunbeam car for her nephew Joe Harrison and his mates Antonie Nawalany and Jake Hambley. She said: “We were due to get to the proms in a series 1 Land Rover, but it refused to start. Ironically, this 100-year-old car had no such problems. I’m sure we’ll make it safely to the ball.” Joe said he was unsure about his future career, but was considering farming or engineering. He and Antoni both took A-Level biology, geography and design and technology. Jake is off to Duchy College to study land-based engineering, which will train him in maintaining agricultural equipment and has three part-time jobs to keep him busy until then.

Friends Grayce Bolgiani, 16, and Lara Davey, 16, in royal blue and teal dresses stood in the shadow of huge tractors, which were parked in the square to add an agricultural flavour to the occasion. Grayce is staying on at Tavistock College sixth form to study health and sociology and criminology and science, with a view to becoming a paramedic. She said: “I’ve been looking forward to the prom. It’s a time to let our hair down and to dress up after the past year of studying and exams.”

Lara said: “I’m relieved school is over this year. It’s been hard work. But the proms is a great way of relaxing. I’m going to sixth form college in Plymouth to do a sports rehabilitation course to be a physio. I’m confident I’ll get the grades to do that.”

Dressed in contrasting yellow and red, friends Lottie Fitzsimmons and Polly Thornton, both 16, were excited about the proms. Lottie said ”It’s exciting to be here with everyone and the cars and the horses. The prom should be fun.”

She is planning on going to college to study to work in childcare, while Polly will stay in sixth form to study drama.