IT’S fair to say that we are all feeling the pinch these days and rapidly rising energy costs are probably the single factor impacting most on budgets that are already squeezed. However, help is at hand.
At Citizens Advice (CA) we have specially trained Energy Advisers who can help.
To get in touch either visit the website of your local Citizens Advice at: .
Click on “Get Advice”, then go to the Energy tab.
You can then fill in a self-referral form and one of our team will make contact with you.
Alternatively you can telephone our free, local AdviceLine on 0808 2787999.
If you have a pre-payment meter you may be eligible for fuel vouchers.
CA is working with Devon County Council to manage an Energy Relief Scheme for people using pre-payment meters which can prove to be more costly in the long run.
You don’t have to have a pre-payment meter to get help and advice though; we are here for everyone and whilst we cannot provide funding directly we can signpost you to potential funding sources.
We are also working with Smart Meters GB promoting the energy saving benefits smart meters can provide.
A smart meter is the next generation of a gas and electricity meter.
They are being installed in houses across Great Britain at no extra cost to replace the traditional meters including pre-pay key meters.
Smart meters measure how much gas and electricity you’re using as well as what it is costing you and display this on a handy in-home display.
The smart meter shows a digital meter reading and uses a secure smart data network (managed by Devon County Council) to automatically and wirelessly send the readings to your energy supplier at least once a month so you will receive accurate, not estimated bills.
According to Delta-ee, an energy research company, making small steps in your home could save customers over £50 or £100+ in households with medium to high energy consumption.
So you can see that here at Citizens Advice we can help you in several ways and not simply with energy.
We provide free, confidential and impartial advice to anyone who needs our help.
Simply ring us on 0808 2787999 or check out: .
Citizens Advice