The formation of a youth council is being championed in a West Devon village so young people can play a part in local democracy and develop a passion for politics, writes Alison Stephenson.

West Devon Borough Councillor Isabel Saxby (Lab, Bere Ferrers) has joined local youth leader Melissa Thomas to spearhead the drive.

They want young people to have a voice about local issues and increase diversity in politics.

It comes on the back of the general election where mini-elections and hustings events were held at schools in the area.

Cllr Saxby was the Labour candidate for Torridge and Tavistock at the general election, won by Conservative Sir Geoffrey Cox for a fifth term.

She said: “We want as many people of different ages and backgrounds to have a say on local issues to get a broad range of views. There is a lack of diversity and whilst we hear a lot about colour and queer people we hear less about young people.

“In a place like Bere Alston which is out in the sticks many do not see the point of politics or realise that they can have a voice. I think it’s important that when we talk about some of the big problems we have here like a lack of housing and public transport we get input from the people who are most affected or are likely to be in the future.

“Councillors are predominantly older, they have good jobs, cars and homes and are usually quite comfortable financially.”

The West Devon member, at 23 the youngest member of the borough council by far, would like to see a youth council grow from the village youth club to be a voice in local issues for younger people.

The councillor said that the recent planning application for a Co-op convenience store on the edge of Bere Alston, which was turned down, was a classic example of where a youth council could have had an input.

She wants to hear from anyone who would like to be on the youth council and can be emailed at [email protected]