CALLINGTON police conducted an unannounced visit to Callington Community College yesterday (November 2) with a drugs dog to engage with students and highlight the consequences of using and/or carrying illicit substances.

PC Steve Waters and Skye, the passive drugs dog, attended the college along with PC Jess Floyd and PCSO Jo Addems.

Callington Neighbourhood Team said: ‘We conducted the visit to raise awareness and minimise the possible presence of drugs on school premises. Bude and Liskeard have also recently conducted such a visit.

‘We are reassured and happy to advise that no drugs were found.

drugs dog
No drugs were found at Callington Community College. (Submitted)

‘Initiatives such as these have been shown to make an impact on raising awareness and minimising the presence of drugs on school premises.

‘The visit was very well received by both teachers and pupils, and was good training for Skye (the dog) who is relatively new in service.’