A SELF-BUILD home for a local family is being considered by planners in Princetown.

Jason Milner has submitted a plan for the home at Hessary View, Princetown with access to the site from Station Road.

The proposal is to erect a self-build, custom-made local person’s dwelling which meets the Dartmoor National Park Local Plan which allows for homes for villagers to be approved.

The guidance requires that new home supports existing communities and contributes to the creation of safe, sustainable, liveable and mixed communities with good access to jobs and key services for all members of the community.

Jason Milner, 53, has commissioned it and has influenced the design in conjunction with the architect to restrict the use of the house to a local person for the foreseeable future.

Jason and his wife Kelly have lived in Princetown for a considerable time. He moved to Princetown in 1980, and his father was a prison officer. Kelly has lived in Princetown since 1984 and her grandparents moved to Princetown in 1976.

They ran all three cafes in Princetown until they retired in 2015. Kelly’s grandfather still lives in the village next to the application site and her uncle runs the old police station cafe.

In accordance with the aims of National Planning Policy Framework, it will support a long-term resident of Princetown to continue to live in Princetown. The site lies is in the village centre and therefore, delivers sustainable development.

The plan meets formal housing need in Dartmoor National Park with 1,125 homes (65 homes a year) required across the park over 2018 – 2036 to meet the identified needs of local community In this case.