A RADIO show focusing on the impact of the cost of living crisis on Callington residents and families, and signposting people to support will be broadcast from a Callington church next month.

Julie Skentlebery from BBC Radio Cornwall is inviting Callington residents to share their personal stories on the radio show on Friday September 22.

Katie Stevenson, pioneer families worker for Callington Cluster (the group of the five Callington churches) who is working with Julie to organise the show, spoke of where the idea came from. “To start with Julie wanted to host a show in the church relating to cost of living as St Mary’s Church does quite a lot for those who are struggling. We have warm spaces, toddler groups, it’s a really good community place for people who are struggling.

“On the show we want to have various people who will talk about topics such as benefits, things that might help people and also talk to members of the community.”

Katie explained that the show is going to be a forum for local people to share their personal stories of how they’ve been affected by the cost of living crisis. The show will also have guests from local agencies such as the foodbank and Citizens Advice to provide residents with advice and signpost people to support that is available within the community.

“I think in Callington there is a lot of support available but it’s knowing about it, ” said Katie.

“It’s about knowing what’s available and that you’re not alone. Everybody is struggling at the moment and there is no shame in accessing support and accessing shared experience. For the Callington churches it’s about being part of a community and showing love to people in what is a really difficult time with no expectation or agenda. ”