THERE has been a significant decline in fire incidents in Devon and Somerset in the past five years, it can be revealed.

Data from the Home Office shows that between 2019 and 2023, fire and rescue services attended 1,718 incidents, representing a 15 per-cent decrease from the previous five years.

But despite this, Ansvar, an expert provider of insurance for the charity sector, is emphasising the importance of continued vigilance.

‘The decrease in fire incidents across Devon and Somerset is extremely positive news and highlights the impact that greater awareness and regulation reforms can have, particularly for protecting smaller businesses and organisations in the non-profit sectors, where operational continuity is paramount’ Adam Tier, Head of Underwriting at Ansvar, said.

‘Unlike large commercial companies, who may operate across multiple locations or have an ability to utilise hybrid working, many charities and not-for-profit groups cannot continue to function if their premises are rendered unusable due to fire’ Mr Tier added.

The decline as show in the Home Office figures underscores the effectiveness of the work that Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue does with local organisations to raise awareness about fire safety practices; coupled with the introduction of new regulations – such as the October 2023 update to the Home Office’s fire safety reform programme, which mandates comprehensive fire risk assessments for all businesses – this demonstrates the impact of proactive measures, Ansvar says.

Adam went on to say: ‘Organisations can take obvious steps like ensuring all areas are equipped with fire alarms and smoke detectors, conducting regular risk assessments, and providing fire safety training to staff and volunteers.

‘However, there are also less obvious measures that can significantly enhance preparedness and resilience against fire incidents.

‘We are encouraging organisations to incorporate these into their fire safety plans for comprehensive protection.’