A TAVISTOCK nurse is finding solace in training for a marathon after losing her young nephew to an incurable brain cancer.

Deirdre Stapleton is training to take part in the 26.2 miler through central London to remember young Conor Harnett.

Deirdre, who works as a chemotherapy nurse at the RD&E Hospital in Exeter, says more money is desperately needed for research into childhood cancers.

She is raising money for Children with Cancer UK, and is holding a charity quiz night at Too Hoppy in Tavistock on Saturday, February 4 from 8pm.

Deirdre, who has two young children of her own, said: 'I'm running the London Marathon in memory of my nephew Conor who died in April 2020. He died of an incurable brain tumour, he was only seven and I want to make something really horrible into something really positive and raise awareness of cancer diagnosis in young children.

'I started running a couch to 5K this summer and had the encouragement from my friends that yes, I could do this. It is about raising awareness of childhood cancer. We need more research in this area and so I am supporting Children with Cancer UK. If I can make one small dent in that I would be very happy.'

See full story in the Tavistock Times Gazette next Thursday, January 19