HUNDREDS of excited and slightly apprehensive youngsters will be starting the adventure of their lives as they begin the arduous Ten Tors challenge tomorrow (Saturday).

Schools from across the region are optimistic the weather will smile on them after training on the hostile winter weather on the Dartmoor the two-day event tests teamwork, navigation, camping craft and survival skills.

Paul Barnett, of Okehampton College, said the event was as popular as ever with his students and a record number of teams have been entered.

Mount Kelly College on Ten Tors Training.
Mount Kelly College on Ten Tors Training. (Mount Kelly College)

“The Ten Tors challenge has been hugely popular this year at Okehampton College, so for the first time in many years we have entered five strong teams to the event.

“The students have shown their resilience, selflessness, kindness, independence and strength to manage a difficult winter of training on the moor but have proven their ability and suitability for the endeavour despite strong competition for places.

“We are all a little apprehensive about the warm weather but thanks to the rain we have had in the last four months there shouldn't be any lack of water.” Student Ava Carling said: “We've been training across five months, in snow, rain, wind and sun. We've crossed rivers and hiked up many tors whilst putting our problem solving skills to work.” Amelie Brock said: “My favourite moments were getting to the top of the really high or steep tors or hills like Cosdon Beacon, Yes Tor and Hare Tor.” Rosemarie White said: “I am really thankful to my instructors for helping us through the training and will definitely do it all again next year.”

Molly Snellgrove said: “I can't wait for this Ten Tors weekend to begin. I have really enjoyed training and I am very grateful for this opportunity.” Alice Graham said: “Ten Tors training has been such a great experience and I am really looking forward to it with my friends this weekend.”