The playing fields of St Andrew’s School, Buckland Monachorum were taken over by cyclists and runners, while swimmers competed in the pool, as the school’s annual summer triathlon celebrated all inclusive sport.

Volunteers, mostly parents, organised last Friday’s event which involved everyone of all abilities, even if some only took part in one event or scooted instead of pedalling.

Phoebe, 11, said: “I enjoyed the cycling best of the events and I did freestyle swimming, but when I needed to catch my breath I did backstroke.”

Eliza, 11, who attends Mount Kelly College Swimming Club, said: “My best event was swimming. I did seven lengths. I think I did well.”

Sarah Lakey, school headteacher, said: “The triathlon is a fantastic event because the whole school is involved with all children taking part, regardless of their ability. It brings everyone together and has been months in the making by our wonderful volunteers.”

Phoebe and Eliza, both 11, swam to success in the Buckland School triathlon.
Phoebe and Eliza, both 11, getting the lengths in as part of the triathlon event. (Tindle)
Cyclists take part in the Buckland Monachorum School  triathlon  biking section of the triathlon.
Cyclists get ready to pedal. (Tindle)